NEWS Archives
May 23, 2019

Fieldbrook Volunteer Fire Dept. – Fieldbrook, CA

The 22 all volunteer firefighters in Fieldbrook requested $5,000 to fund a radio repeater station and solar panels (to power the station).  “There are numerous dead spots in the Valley,” they wrote, “where firefighters cannot communicate with CALFire Dispatch or adjacent fire departments. This impedes FVFD’s effectiveness and response capability, and potentially leaves fireghters vulnerable.”

I spoke to Chief Jack Sheppard today and his first word was “Wow.” He went on to say that being in a valley, it’s a big issue just being able to communicate with the command center. “This repeater will fix everything,” he said. I’m so glad to provide this valuable piece of equipment.

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May 23, 2019

Pine Ridge Volunteer Fire Dept. – Shaver Lake, CA

Jenny's Heroes CaliforniaLocated in Fresno County, the Pine Ridge Volunteers have very limited funding and have requested $3,500 for a new portable water tank. They recently acquired a new water tender which is used to provide water to the fire engines leading the attack on wild land and structure fires. The 2,500 gallon water tank is for use with the water tender.

“We are the first line of defense for our community, which is approximately 40 miles east of Fresno,” said Chief James Parr. “Our rural and forest areas seldom have hydrants or easily available water sources, so we rely heavily on water tenders to provide water to our actively engaged engines. Having a 2,500 gallon portable water tank to fill will allow us to deliver water and immediately leave to re-fill and return.”

Without this tank they would have to provide water to the other fire trucks directly, and wait until they are able to consume the entire 2,200 gallons the water tender carries. The portable water tank will save a significant amount of time in water delivery and we all know that minutes can save lives and property.

I spoke to Chief James Parr. “It’s so wonderful,” he said, “and it will save us a lot of time, eliminating the chance that a truck will be empty and not be able to fight a fire until more water arrives.” He also said it was nice to hear that their efforts are appreciated.

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May 23, 2019

Kings Mountain Fire Brigade – Woodside, CA

The Kings Mountain 16-member volunteers serve thousands of residents and visitors in Woodside, located in San Mateo County between San Jose and San Francisco. They requested $3,000 to purchase two portable radios to improve their firefighters’ communication and safety.

I spoke to Chief Jim Sullivan, who said they could not do what they do without support from the community and I am happy to do my part to help keep them safe.

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May 23, 2019

CSFA Steamer Team – Vintage Fire Engine

CSFA Steamer Team

This 1902 horse-drawn steam fire engine was an anniversary gift but it didn’t look like that in 1991, when Barbara Hubert surprised her husband Dave with this vintage 1902 steam engine for their 25th anniversary. It was desperately in need of restoration and was just the project for Dave’s artistic talents. It took five years and in 1996, the stunning steamer was lovingly and totally restored. It’s still operational! Dave is retired and spent 30 years as a firefighter.

Jenny's Heroes California

I was lucky enough to see and actually climb onto the Steamer this past March when I was invited to the annual Fire World Convention taking place in Los Angeles. My four-legged partner up there is “Blaze,” the Steamer mascot. It’s my pleasure to provide $4,500 to purchase 22 new firefighter parade embroidered red bibs and 5 hats.

“These shirts & hats will be used to replace 15 year old tattered uniforms and hats worn during Fire Service Public Relations programs to educate the public about the Fire Service,” said Barbara Huber, ” and also to educate the public regarding Fire Prevention.”

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Mar 4, 2019

This Grant Program is Concluded

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